Australia Retreat: Strong Relationships through Compassionate Communication April 22-26, 2015

Join me to immerse yourself into the sacred garden of strong relationships so you can have more growth, joy, peace, and passion in your life!

In this retreat I'll be leading you through an intense healing and growing experience in a breathtakingly beautiful setting!  Your heart and soul will be challenged to grow beyond your relationship limitations, past relationship pain, and intimacy fears. 

You'll be invited to shatter your relationship patterns of the past so you can walk through your rite of passage of being a more true version of yourself in relationships while more deeply accepting your partner for who they are, not who you want them to be. 

You'll learn how to use compassionate communication to honor yourself and your partner to replace relationship weakening reactions!

While navigating your healing and growing within, you'll be able to enjoy the external comforts of wonderful accommodations, beautiful ocean views, nourishing organic meals, connecting with nature on the beach or national parks, and of course making new friends!

To receive the full benefits of this retreat, it does not matter whether you're single or in a committed relationship!

This retreat offers you:

  • A journey of creating a new opening in your life for meaningful relationships built out of true intimacy!
  • Tools to recognize and reconstruct your relationship blocks!
  • Guidance on how to replace conflict and shallow connection in your relationships with compassionate communication and deep connection!
  • Wisdom to navigate your relationships so you are perpetually finding yourself rather than losing yourself!
  • Understanding of what lessons your past relationship challenges are teaching you!
  • Connection with an intimate group of like minded and like hearted people in a supportive environment in a beautiful ocean front setting!
  • Chef prepared organic meals, comfortable accommodations, connection with nature, and new friends!

This is a unique opportunity for you to reap the benefits of working with me continuously for five days!  There are a very limited number of available spots to ensure high quality, deep work together. 

The door is open for you to join me in this beautiful part of the world for a relationship strengthening, heart healing, and soul inspiring opportunity!

  • Beautiful Ocean Front Beach Setting!
  • 5 days and 4 nights, all Accommodation is included! Shared accommodation (travel arrangements not included)
  • Wonderful Organic Meals Included!
  • Forresters Beach, NSW (about 1.5 hour drive north of Sydney)
  • Theme: Strong Relationships through Compassionate Communication
  • April 22-26, 2015

Watch Participant Reflections From A Recent Retreat!

Register Now for the $400 Earlybird Discount!  Space is limited!
  • Earlybird Discount Signup $1495 (limited time only)
  • Regular Fee $1895

You can also email me for payment plan options at

I'm looking forward to this beautiful gathering with like hearted people for relationship strengthening, heart healing, and authentic growth!

About JP Sears

JP Sears presents classes and workshops at numerous locations nationally and internationally on a regular basis.  While teaching and coaching, JP is highly acclaimed for his heartfelt, dynamic, and entertaining style of delivery. JP runs his private practice in Charleston, SC where he specializes in emotional healing.

The purpose of JP's work is to empower people to live more meaningful lives as whole individuals by guiding them to move beyond their symptoms of pain and sabotage so they may discover and reconcile their inner imbalances.